Renditions no. 69 (Spring 2008)
This is the 35th anniversary issue of Renditions with an article dedicated to our founding editor, George Kao, who passed away on 1 March 2008. This issue features several translations related to performance and theatre: a late Ming or early Qing dynasty drum ballad, which is a rare example of a fully-developed animal fable, a nineteenth century 'flower guide' appraising the qualities of boy-actors, a one-act play by Ding Xilin involving cross-dressing, and poems by Wen Yiduo about a drummer and a balladeer. For the first time Renditions presents translations into Scots, which is used for two Wen Yiduo poems originally written in vernacular Pekinese. Other items include prose sketches by Wang Anyi, a short story by Xi Xi and poetry by P. K. Leung.