Renditions no. 95 (Spring 2021)
Renditions no. 95 is a general issue that begins with a special section on Yu Dafu’s 郁達夫 ‘Boundless Night’ 茫茫夜, a story fully exhibiting the lyricism and eccentricities in Yu’s writings. This is followed by a collection of Mi Fu’s 米芾 remarks on the art of calligraphy, a selection of verse written by Yuan-dynasty courtesans, and ‘The Tale of the Peony Lantern’ 牡丹燈記 by Qu You 瞿佑, a thrilling ghost-story. Other highlights include stories by two Indonesian-born writers, Hei Ying 黑嬰 and Yuan Ni 袁霓, which offer readers a glimpse of Nanyang, and Bei Dao’s 北島 reminiscences of a Japanese friend and their youthful days in Beijing. Finally, we conclude with Jiang Fan’s 江帆 ‘An Intertextual Approach to Literary Relations’ 透過翻譯現象深化文學關係研究, an insightful award-winning scholarly essay.