The Cockroach and other stories
By Liu Yichang
Translated by D. E. Pollard
xi + 151 pages
ISBN 962-7255-15-7
Liu Yichang arrived in Hong Kong as a journalist from the wartime capital of Chungking, and has devoted the best part of his long career to serving the cause of literature in Hong Kong. He founded the influential Hong Kong Literature Monthly and is still active as its editor and as a translator of Western fiction into Chinese.
The stories presented here demonstrate his unfailing inventiveness with form and technique. At the same time, they reveal the pain and pleasures of ordinary lives in present-day Hong Kong.
'A deep thinker, Liu has allowed his views on philosophy to filter into his work.'
—South China Morning Post
''These stories... capture photographically the endlessly fascinating life of a city in constant flux.'
—World Literature Today